Research at the Digital Child

Research that supports young children growing up in a rapidly changing digital world. 


Our work will help all Australians who look out for the health, education, and happiness of young children.


Research to inform three areas that impact children’s lives – technology, education, and policy.

Our research program intersects across health, education, and connectedness to provide a holistic view of children’s experiences and the impact of digital technologies.

Our national longitudinal study

Our national Australian Children of the Digital Age study, or ACODA, will engage with thousands of Australian families over four years.

Join the study

Our living labs

Our Children’s Technology Spaces provide the interface for researcher collaboration with children, families, industry partners, teachers, health practitioners and technology designers.

These dedicated technology spaces that are research and professional learning sites for understanding children’s use of a range of different technologies, and supporting parents and educators in gaining knowledge about positive digital practices for children.

Our living labs

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